Helping leaders live into the best version of themselves

Here's what we'll do:

1. As your coach, I'll help you clarify a plan to take you from where you are, to where you want to be.

2. We'll use various assessments that I have access to or ones you particularly find helpful to get a clearer picture of your personality, strengths, motivations, and gifts as well as blindspots. (DISC, Myers Briggs, Enneagram, Strength, VIA, TruCenter, Working Genius, Love Languages, etc.)

3. We'll embark on a self-awareness journey to start moving toward the flourishing and impactful leader you were meant to be.

4. I will partner with you to develop specific visions of specific scenarios where you are joyful, helping other and using your gifts. That could be in your paid work, volunteering, relationships, family, retirement planning, or any area of your life that you are seeking clarity in.

5. After every session there will be actionable growth steps to move your toward your goals of becoming a better version of yourself, with regular opportunities for check-ins and updates in between meetings.

Ready to book a complimentary 30 minute call? Click here to do so.